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07. Prioritizing a feature list & learning a new language

December 2, 2020

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MoSCoW and LOE, oh my! 

We’re getting really tactical in this week’s episode to talk about my favorite way to prioritize a list. Specifically, we’re talking about feature lists when you’re working on a technology project. 

Because, let’s face it: these days, every business is a tech organization and every project is a tech project. A critical key to success is being able to talk with your development teams in a language they understand, so that’s what this discussion is all about! 

The two main components of prioritizing a backlog are Business Priority and Level of Effort. You’ll learn the definition for both, who supplies which pieces of information, and how they work together to build the final list. 

In addition, I share my spreadsheet hacks & a sample download on how to organize your backlog in the best way possible.

Click here to make your copy >> Example Prioritized Backlog

Explore more categories:  Free Resource, Podcast, Professional Life

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