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Ep 31. Excerpt from 7 Signposts: Define Your Timeline

October 10, 2022

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On a podcast interview recently, I was asked which of the 7 Signposts was the most difficult for me to follow my compass, rather than the map. My answer: Define Your Timeline. 

I have a natural tendency toward the side of Your Timeline is Short, but it’s not the healthy, vibrant, carpe-diem-ing-the-heck-outta-the-day kind. Instead, it’s driven by a scarcity mindset of feeling behind and of never having enough time to allow things to just take time. I have to intentionally reach for the other side, Your Timeline is Just Right, on a regular basis. Not rushing, just trusting that my timeline is working out exactly as it needs to.

On this episode of the podcast, I am sharing the chapter of Signpost 3: Define Your Timeline, narrated by me! A couple of episodes ago, I shared the Introduction chapter, and it got a great response, so I am excited to share another snippet of the book with you.

I hope that this gives you a preview of the structure of the “two sides of a topic” and the exercises that are in the book. 

7 Signposts is now available on Amazon, you can get the e-book, paperback, or hardcover versions.

Explore more categories:  7 Signposts, Podcast

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