You have the ability to be who you were meant to be when you have
the language to articulate it and
the knowledge that you're not alone

As a podcaster, an author, and a life connoisseur, I know the power of being intentional. I’m a junkie for personal development and a lover of professional development. In all my reading and life experiences, I’ve come to know this truth: to create the life we want to live, we need two things.
1. Language to identify and articulate our feelings, behaviors, and desires
2. Knowledge that we aren’t alone in experiencing those same feelings, behaviors, and desires

This is my ultimate goal for you: giving you that language and knowledge so you can craft a life that is aligned to who you are and what you want most. 

Meet Jamie

— Deborah Day

"Recognizing that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life."

After graduating from The University of Alabama with my Masters & Bachelors in Management Information Systems, I spent the first four years of my career as a technology and management consultant. I worked on projects where I did everything from writing code on enterprise-level software to running a marketing workstream within an acquisition initiative to managing a custom app development project. In short, it was as Corporate™ as could be. I commuted to an office to work my 45 hours each week, wearing business casual, and using Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint as my primary currency. 

After leaving my consulting job, I joined The University of Alabama again – this time as an Instructor in the MIS program. I was a full time educator, helping students learn the hard and soft skills required to be successful young professionals. 

Now, I want to share those lessons with you. 

You’ll find both professional and personal development topics here; they are both important for your success as a working person who is also a living person. 

tell me more...

let's see what we have in common...

click on your answer for a fun quiz!


My dog, Mellie! She's a rescue corgi/border collie and is the best dog in the whole universe (as I routinely remind her)


Personality Assessments! They are basically a love language to me! 

Enneagram: 3w4
HDBI Whole Brain: Yellow & Red (2-3-1-1)
Passion Profile: Firestarter
CliftonStrengths Top 5: Futuristic, Competition, Strategic, Ideation, and Significance  


Being near any body of water. Sign me up for a beach trip, kayaking on the lake, or chilling by the swimming pool. 

more joy!


things in life that bring me joy

Jobs I've had since i was 16


Pictures on my phone's camera roll


years that i've worn an activity tracker


cups of coffee per day


My Journey

History Time

May 2017

Earned a masters and bachelors in Management Information Systems from The University of Alabama

June 2017

Worked for Pariveda in Dallas, TX as a Software Development Consultant

March 2020

Worked for Valent Partners in Dallas, TX as a Managing Consulting

May 2020

Launched the
Jamie on Purpose blog

August 2021

Began teaching MIS at The University of Alabama

NoV 2021

First draft complete of my book


Creating personal + professional development tools for you!

Sept 2022

7 Signposts book launch!

What I'm Known For

My brain works in flowcharts and mindmaps

I will never turn down a beach trip

"Have you read this book? It'll change your life."

My naturally curly hair (that I never try to tame!)